Clinical Trials for NASH Patients in Kansas City

Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis

Estudios Actuales

How Are Obesity and Diabetes Related & How Can KCRI Help?
Sin cirrosis

Etapas 1-3

Etapa 1-3, EHNA sin cirrosis
NAFLD clinical research trials kansas city

Etapa 4

Etapa 4- EHNA, cirrosis

Qué es EHNA?

Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis, or NASH, is a term used to describe inflammation of the liver from fat that can lead to scarring and damage of the liver.

Affected Organs

  • Liver


  • Obesidad
  • Síndrome Metabólico
  • Colesterol Alto

Side Effects

  • Hígado agrandado
  • Ictericia
  • Abdominal Pain (rare)
Proactive at KCRI

Being Proactive About NASH

Because NASH rarely presents symptoms until more advanced stages, often patients do not receive a diagnosis. 

Understanding Medical Research

Proactive at KCRI

Even if your liver is in the F1 (Normal) Stage, we recommend patients get regular check-ups with their primary care provider that includes routine bloodwork in order to establish a historical record of your liver’s health and potential damage advancement. 

KCRI puede analizar sus laboratorios más recientes y ayudarle a recomendar los próximos pasos para mantener la salud de su hígado como prioridad principal en cualquier etapa de su vida.

Preguntas frecuentes acerca de EHNA

Preguntas frequentes

Es EHNA lo mismo que fallo del hígado?

EHNA y fallo del hígado no son sinónimos. La EHNA es considerada como una forma agresiva de la enfermedad del hígado graso,, and can lead to advanced scarring and Cirrhosis. Subsequently, if left unaddressed, these conditions can (and often) lead to liver failure.

What’s a NASH Score?

Based on the results of a NASHTest (non-invasive liver test), KCRI can provide you with an assessment and diagnosis of your current condition. This diagnosis will contain a “score” or degree of damage in your liver. This is on a scale of zero to three; Stage 0 being a “normal” liver (no damage) and Stage 3 being severe damage.

Qué es lo que KCRI busca cuando evalúa el grado de daños en el hígado?

After a Fibroscan Test, we may find that patients have varying degrees of liver damage. If we find liver damage but without the presence of fat in the liver, we can help you look for other causes. If we find fat and no damage, we typically provide education on the importance of diet and exercise and can set you up with a provider to receive long-term care. If your liver shows signs of both fat and damage, this is the first sign that a clinical trial might be right for you.

Can NASH cause additional complications?

Outside of liver failure, NASH can lead to other advanced symptoms. such as,

  • Ascites, or abdominal fluid build up. When the liver stops functioning and doesn’t push fluid out of your body like it should, toxins and waste can build up in your abdomen.
  • Esophageal Varices, or when the veins inside your esophagus and stomach bulge and bleed because they can’t function properly anymore. This can also lead to internal bleeding and can be fatal.
  • Hepatic Encephalopathy. When your liver cannot process toxins properly, it may cause a build up throughout the body and can lead to disorientation and the inability to complete thoughts.

How can I treat NASH?

Fortunately, NASH can be reversed by reducing weight, improving lifestyle, and extracting fat out of the liver via medications, diet, and exercise. If lifestyle alone is not enough to completely eliminate or significantly reduce the fat in the liver of a NASH patient, we may recommend a clinical trial to help identify potential solutions.

No ve el estudio que está buscando?

Aquellos que participen:

  • Verán a un médico certificado por la junta sin costo alguno
  • Tendrán Acceso a posibles opciones de Tratamientos antes que el Público General
  • Podrán ser compensados por su tiempo y viaje

Estamos contínuamente tomando nuevos estudios clínicos para todo tipo de condiciones. Envíe su información hoy para ser contactado para oportunidades de próximas investigaciones.
